Wanamara Farm - LocationWanamara Farm is situated midway between Shepparton & Benalla in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria.
Our address is 791 Major Plains Road, Major Plains, Victoria 3725 Coming from Shepparton take either the Shepparton-Dookie Rd or the Shepparton-Benalla Rd for approx.40kms, turning at the Benalla-Boundary Rd. Our Major Plains Rd runs across Benalla-Boundary Rd about 2 kms from the Dookie-Devenish Rd. From the Hume Highway, take the turn-off to Benalla & then the Midland Highway (Benalla-Shepparton Rd.) for approx 25kms. You can turn right at the Benalla-Tocumwal Road until you come to the Dookie-Devenish Rd where you turn left & travel for about 8km until you come to the Benalla-Boundary Rd, with a large green water tank on the corner. Turn left along Benalla-Boundary Rd for 2 km & then left at Major Plains Rd with Wanamara Farm on your left. OR continue along the Midland Highway until you come to the Benalla-Boundary Rd turn-off. Turn right along Benall-Boundary Rd until you reach Major Plains Rd, about 7 km, turn right at Major Plains Rd & Wanamara Farm is on the left. |